A big slice of Oamaru will soon be on display in
Seoul. Artist Jin Lee arrived in North Otago in
January to visit Parkside Quarries and tackle
sculpting a 3 tonne block Of Oamaru stone.
Ms Lee(34) has finished her sculpture,
The biggest project. She has undertaken,
and Aotearoa, As she has named it.
Now weighs 2.1 tonnes. After reading an
article about Ms Lee in the Otago Daily
Times last month, Businessman Hyun Choi,
managing Director of Southern Storem Fishing
Ltd, decided to Sponsor the shipping of the
sculpture to Seoul.
Last week, Gough, Gough and Hamer Ltd managing
Director Brian Hogan flew to Weston by
helicopter to See her work. He planned to
print an article about her In the company’s
magazine, she said.
Ms Lee planned to open a studio for outdoor
sculpture To take cooperative and private
commission works in Seoul.
There was a good potential market for monuments
And sculptures in the city, she said.
She thanked Bob and Linda Wilson, of Parkside
Quarries, For letting her stay with them and
sculpt the stone in a Paddock next to their
extensive garden.
“They treated me as a part of the family.
Oamaru will be Always my true home town in my
heart,” she said.
Ms Lee discovered Oamaru stone while living in
Christchurch seven years ago.